Do i need management?
Our clients have the huge aspirations and want to have an extremley successful career, it isn’t easy to focus on your craft and knowing how to navigate the industry from a commercial perspective. But to run the business on your own can be overwhelming for some. We’re hold your hand – while showing you a step by step path to reach your dreams.
why DID YOU START sweet apple?
After seeing the growth in this area through lockdown and beyond, we saw there was a need for traditional management to support models on their journey. Being uniquely positioned with experience in the entertainment industry, we feel we can support our clients in ways other agencies cannot, therefore we can really tap into an individuals potential.
Can you help grow my following?
Yes, we can! We will tailor a career plan that will grow your following from all areas. We will identify areas quickly to scale your earnings, all our strategies will be bespoke to you and your wider social media presence. Collectively our career strategy will grow your presence fast.
What content will i have to make?
The only content we ask you to make is from your own creativity, though of course we will guide you on the most commercial content especially relating to Tik Tok and YouTube.
What is included in your service?
For anyone looking to get started on OnlyFans or grow their existing account, we offer a bespoke solution that takes away all the stress of running your enterprise.
Our team of experts will help you with everything from content creation to marketing your account to growing your fanbase and your career.
Our services include but are not limited to the following:
Subscription growth,
Customer Acquisition.
Brand Endorsement.
Mainstream Media Opportunities.
Content support and creation,
Creator collaboration,
Career Growth.
Modelling Opportunities.
Personal support,
Financial and Legal Support.
Additional revenue streams,
Upsell and workflow management.
How much will i earn with sweet apple?
While we cannot guarantee a figure we will dow whatever it takes to grow your income by growing your fanbase, securing work and identifying additional revenue streams.